
Market intelligence & eTrading for Securitized Products

Engage The Market With Confidence

Enabling efficient communication between Securitized Product market participants

Our Products

BWIC Management

Digitized multi-dealer auction management

BWIC Calendar

Realtime aggregated auction activity with price talk and color

Dealer Inventory

Access all aggregated dealer inventories

Market Monitoring

Powerful product specific search and watchlist tools to alert of realtime market opportunities

Electronic Trading

Seamless execution in a centralized marketplace with Straight-Through-Processing

Data Analytics

Full data capture allows for bond/story pricing and liquidity history, along with counterparty engagement tracking

Client Solutions

1. BondXN for Dealers:

Gain broader and deeper client penetration

Targeted distribution of inventories. BWIC and trading recommendations. Permission-based access for efficient product and client coverage. Digital bidding from counterparties and reduced operational overhead.

2. BondXN for Buyside:

Access to a realtime aggregated market

Direct access to dealers for faster and more efficient execution. Real-time publishing of your BWICs and live counterparty bidding. Comprehensive street inventory search and direct engagement with dealers. Easy tracking of matchers, axes, market color, and trading recommendations.

3. BondXN for Originators:

A digital platform that standardizes BWIC distribution

Create an Intelligent Workspace that eliminates manual data entry and highlights relevant data for review. Publish BWICs to dealers in your network and receive digital bids and bond-specific chats in response (no manual bid aggregation). Promote increased market participation with simple interface and instant feedback. Ticket trades by using the BondXN API for Straight-Through-Processing

Recent Articles

eTrading for MBS Originators

eTrading in the MBS marketplace is nearing an inflection point with multiple vendors trying to disrupt the equilibrium that has existed for …

The dealer community is always trying to do more with less. Their primary goal is to manage assets and service their clients …

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