
Market intelligence & eTrading for Securitized Products

Our Products

The BondXN Advantage

Clean Data

 Proprietary scraping technology converts traditional email and instant message market communication into structured data

Efficient Counterparty Engagement

Replace email spamming with a platform that allows for both permissioned data distribution, as well as targeted one-on-one communication

Centralized Marketplace

Engage an aggregated market of both auctions and dealer inventories through an active community of market makers and buyside investors

Digitize Workflow

Replace traditional voice and manual trading workflows with a digital workspace for accessing the market

Reduce Errors

Using a centralized system where everyone contributes data directly eliminates processing errors created by manual processes

Full Data Capture

Build history of market liquidity and trading activity to make more informed decisions and access comprehensive audit trails for compliance

Multiple Connectivity Options

Lower the hurdle to access the power of BondXN by using our desktop and web apps or API integration into your own proprietary systems


Real-time shared team workspace with layered in user/trader access permissions


  • Specified Pools
  • Non-Agency CMBS
  • Agency CMO
  • ABS
  • Agency CMBS
  • Non-Agency CMO

1. BWIC Management

Efficiently manage your bond auctions using our proprietary tools. Digitally engage all counterparties on bids, feedback and color

2. BWIC Calendar

Benefit from access to all Origination and Secondary auctions aggregated in one place. Bid bonds electronically and access multi-dealer price talk, feedback and color with history layered in for a more transparent view of the market

3. Dealer Inventory

Browse all dealer offers in one place. Our product-based smart bucketing allows for a birds eye view of market liquidity and pricing on bond stories with the ability to drill in to specific bonds and offerings

4. Market Monitoring

Never miss market opportunities with our best-in-class bond and characteristic based search that is tailored to idiosyncrasies of Securitized Products. Set up watchlists and get real-time alerts of relevant market activity and opportunities without information slippage

5. Electronic Trading

Manage the life cycle of your demand through BondXN. Link your proprietary Order Management System and gain benefits of straight through processing for order staging and executions. Receive alerts on market opportunities matching your bond or bond characteristic based orders. Execute on BWIC auctions and negotiate on dealer offers.

6. Data Analytics

Full data capture on BondXN means users have access to countless possibilities for data analytics on execution and market data. Generate customizable counterparty engagement reports on auction participation, liquidity, pricing and bidding behavior.  Review real-time and historical trade cost analytics.