
Market intelligence & eTrading for Securitized Products

eTrading for MBS Originators

eTrading in the MBS marketplace is nearing an inflection point with multiple vendors trying to disrupt the equilibrium that has existed for the last 3 decades. By the end of 2023, a set of innovative solutions will change the market landscape. Technology will be brought to bear on a market where connectivity and efficiency are […]

Technology Improves ROI of BWICs

The dealer community is always trying to do more with less. Their primary goal is to manage assets and service their clients with products and liquidity to match customer’s needs. As part of this service, they are expected to provide a market and liquidity to clients looking to offload bonds. This is very often done […]

Need for Electronification of the MBS Market

2020 was an unprecedented year in mortgage markets with interest rates at/near all-time lows. This ultra low-rate environment led to a deluge of mortgage origination and issuance activity in 2020. Agency MBS issuance was up a staggering 108% YoY[1]. Furthermore, Total Trading Volumes and Average Daily Trading Volumes (ADV) of Specified Pools were both higher […]